Chloe Balla, Associate Professor
25 Ιουνίου, 2023 2023-06-25 9:29Chloe Balla, Associate Professor

Chloe Balla
Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy
Office: 010
Office hours: Tuesday 10:30 – 11:30 & 14:30 – 15:00
Phone: 28310 77217
- PhD, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Department of Philosophy, 1996.
- M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Department of Classical Studies, 1993.
- M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Department of Philosophy, 1990.
- B.A., Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education, 1987.
- University of Crete, Spring 1998; Fall 2001-Spring 2004 (as an adjunct lecturer); Fall 2005 – Fall 2010 (as a lecturer); Spring 2011- Spring 2018 (as an Assistant Professor, teaching at the undergraduate and at the graduate program); Fall 2018-present (as an Associate Professor) .
- Hellenic Open University, 2000-2001, 2002 – present.
- College Year in Athens, Fall 1997/Spring and Fall 1998.
- University of Pennsylvania, 1989-1991 (as a teaching assistant).
Ancient Philosophy (Sophists-Plato-Aristotle; Early history of rhetoric)
- Plato’s Academy. A History. Co-edited, in collaboration with: Paul Kalligas, Vassilis Karasmanis, Effie Baziotopoulou-Valavani, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- Τόποι. Αντίδωρα στον Παντελή Μπασάκο [=Topoi. A Festschrift to Pantelis Bassakos]. Co-edited, in collaboration with: V. Kindi and G. Faraklas, Publications of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete, Ariadne Supplements 3, 2019.
- Πλατωνική πειθώ: Aπό τη ρητορική στην πολιτική. [Platonic Peitho: From Rhetoric to Political Science]. Athens: Polis 1997 (revised version of doctoral dissertation).
- H μετάδοση της γνώσης στην αρχαιότητα. [The transmission of knowledge in antiquity]. Co-edited with D. Kyrtatas, Athens: Nesos (Tοπικάε’), 1999.
- Rhetorica 25.1 (winter 2007), Thematic issue: “The Interface between Philosophy and Rhetoric in Classical Athens” (Guest editor – the volume is based on the conference “The interface between philosophy and rhetoric in Classical Athens”, held at the University of Crete, organized in collaboration with Anna Missiou, 29-31 October 2004). The Greek version of the proceedings will appear by University of Crete Press
- “Only logoi left alive: η σωκρατική νίκη επί των αντιλογικών στον Φαίδωνα του Πλάτωνα’, in: V. Kindi, Ch. Balla, G. Faraklas, (eds.), Τόποι. Αντίδωρα στον Παντελή Μπασάκο [=Topoi. A Festschrift to Pantelis Bassakos]. Co-edited, in collaboration with: V. Kindi and G. Faraklas, Publications of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete, Ariadne Supplements 3, 2019, 245-69.
- “Early forerunners of medical Empiricism”, Philosophia 48 (2018), 253-280.
- “The debt of Aristotle’s politeiai to the sophistic tradition”, in: P. Golitsis and K. Ierodiakonou (eds.), Aristotle and His Commentators. Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia, Bερολίνο: de Gruyter, 2019, 33-48.
- “πέφυκεν πλεονεκτεῖν? Plato and the sophists on greed and savage humanity”. Polis, The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought 35 (2018): 83-101.
- “Plato and Aristotle on experience and expertise: the case of medicine». Philosophical Inquiry XXV.3/4 (Summer/Falll 2003): 177-88.
- “Από την εικασία στη διαλεκτική: Μια απάντηση στον Παύλο Καλλιγά” [From eikasia to dialectic: An answer to Paul Kalligas]. Δευκαλίων 22/1(Ιούνιος 2004): 127-42.
- “Γραμματικό και φυσικό γένος: πρώιμες μαρτυρίες” [Sex and Gender: Early Evidence”. Αριάδνη 11 (2005): 129-43.
- “Γιατί ο Πλάτων δέχεται τις γυναίκες στην τάξη των φυλάκων;” [Why Plato accepts women among the Guardians” Υπόμνημαστηφιλοσοφία2 (Dec. 2004): 105-15.
- “Isocrates, Plato, and Aristotle, on Rhetoric”. Rhizai 1 (2004): 45-71.
- “Plato and Aristotle on experience and expertise: the case of medicine”. Philosophical InquiryXXV/3-4 (2003): 178-188.
- “Aristotle versus Plato on Studying the Emotions”. In D. Koutras, ed., On Aristotle’s Poetics and the Art of Rhetoric, Athens 2003, 16-25.
- “Iατρική αναλογία και φιλοσοφία της ποινής: η περίπτωση του Πλάτωνα” [The medical analogy and philosophy of punishment: the case of Plato”. Δευκαλίων 19/2 (Dec. 2001), 159-72.
- “Ιστορικός και πλατωνικός Γοργίας: παρατηρήσεις για τις απαρχές της ρητορικής τέχνης”[Historical and Platonic Gorgias: Remarks on the origins of rhetoric]. Ισοπολιτεία (2001), 95-113.
- “Γραφή και ιατρική στην κλασσική αρχαιότητα: η συγκρότηση και η μετάδοση ενός επιστημονικού λόγου” [Literacy and Medicine in Classical Antiquity: Construction and Transmission of a Scientific Discourse]. In D. Kyrtatas and Ch. Balla, eds, H μετάδοση της γνώσης στην αρχαιότητα, , 39-49.
- “EKOYΣA ΠEIΣΘEIΣA TE YΠEIKEN”. Deukalion 15/2 (1998): 213-24.
- “Aπό την κοσμολογία στην πολιτική: Όροι της υπακοής στον πλατωνικό νόμο” [From Cosmology to Political Science: Conditions of Obeyance to the Platonic Law], in J. Solomon and G. Kouzelis, eds., Πειθαρχία και γνώση [Discipline and Knowledge], Athens: Society for the Study of the Human Sciences, 1994, 329-37.
- “Kοσμική και πολιτική τάξη στον Πλάτωνα: Aπό το Δημιουργό του Tίμαιου στους κυβερνήτες της Πολιτείας και του Πολιτικού” [Cosmological and Political Order in Plato: From the Demiurge of the Timaeus to the Rulers of the Republic and the Politicus], Παλίμψηστον 12 (1993): 66-80.