Tilemachos Iatridis, Associate Professor
25 Ιουνίου, 2023 2023-06-25 9:41Tilemachos Iatridis, Associate Professor

Tilemachos Iatridis
Associate Professor of social psychology
Office: 107
Office hours: Wednesday 17.30-18.30, Thursday 11.30-12.30
Phone: 28310 77200
Email: iatridis@fks.uoc.gr
- Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Athens, July 2003.
- M.Sc. in Research Methods in Psychology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, October 1993.
- B.A. in Philosophy, Education and Psychology (majoring in Psychology), University of Athens, September 1992.
- Department of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete, 2006 to now
- Department of Psychology, Panteion University, 2003-2008 (Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Adjunct Lecturer)
Representations of social inequalities; intergroup relations and discrimination; social identities; norms, values and political action.
Current research on social representations of diversity.
- Iatridis, T. (2019). The Janus of diversity: May the ideology of individual diversity rationalize social inequalities? Political Psychology, 40, 183-201. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12502
- Iatridis, T. (2019). Assumptions of individual diversity ideology and controversial effects on acknowledging racism. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 24(2), 36-51.
- Iatridis, T. (2017). Individual diversity and lay representations of racism: Persistence of the prejudice problematic. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 14, 242-259. https://pseve.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Volume14_Issue3_Iatridis.pdf
- Iatridis, T., & Stergiou, N. (2016). Complementary gender stereotypes and system justification: The moderating role of essentialist lay theories for group differences. Revista de Psicología Social, 31, 29-58. https://doi.org/10.1080/02134748.2015.1101312
- Iatridis , T . (2013). Occupational status differences in attributions of uniquely human emotions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 431-449. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2044-8309.2011.02094.x
- Iatridis, T., & Fousiani, K. (2009). Effects of status and outcome on attributions and just-world beliefs: How the social distribution of success and failure may be rationalized. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 415-420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2008.12.002
Edited book
- Chryssochoou, X., & Iatridis, T. (Eds.) (2013). Aspects of hegemony in liberal societies : Social psychological approaches on social reproduction and change. Athens: Pedio [in Greek]