Stavroula F. Tsinorema
Professor, Dean of Faculty of Letters
Office: 106Office hours: Tuesday 16.30-17.30, Wednesday 12.30-13.30
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Printable CV (.pdf)
Professor of Modern & Contemporary Philosophy and Bioethics, Director of Joint Graduate Programme “Bioethics” and Director of the Centre for Bioethics of the University of Crete.
She has acted twice as Head of the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies, as Head of the Division of Philosophy of the same Department, and Director of Studies of Joint Graduate Programme “Philosophy: Science, Values & Society”. She was the founding Director of the Centre for Philosophical Research and Translation of the University of Crete.
She holds a First Class Honours Degree in Philosophy from the Department of Philosophy, University of Athens, followed by M.A. in Moral and Social Philosophy from the University of Exeter and Ph.D. in Moral Philosophy from the same University. She has held a Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Award (UK), Exeter University Scholarship (UK), and A.K. Mellon Foundation Fellowship (USA).
Before coming to Crete, she taught at the University of Ioannina, Greece, and University of Exeter, UK. She has held visiting posts/fellowships at the Universities of Leeds, Pittsburgh (Center for Philosophy of Science), Oxford (St. John’s College), Texas at Austin, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (Centre for Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences), University of London (Institute of Philosophy Fellowship ), Stanford University.
She has published in moral and social philosophy, bioethics, epistemology, philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. Her research interests focus on the epistemology of value-concepts, methodological and epistemological issues in bioethics, Kant’s moral philosophy, ethics of science, normativity and rule-following, Wittgenstein, naturalism in epistemology and meta-ethics, moral constructivism and realism. Her publications also include comparative studies in “analytic’ and “continental” philosophy. She is the author of Language and Critique. Wittgenstein on Meaning, Knowledge and Values, Liberal Books (in Greek); co-editor of Philosophy and the Many Faces of Science, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers; co-editor of Themes in Bioethics, Crete University Press (in Greek).
Her research has been supported by funded National and European projects.
She is a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journals: International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Routledge), Deucalion: Biannual Journal for Philosophical Research and Critique, and Bioethica.
She has organized numerous international conferences in philosophy and bioethics, and has served, upon invitation, on a number of international conference organizing and programme committees.
She has served on an extensive number of committees, panels and bodies related to bioethics, research ethics and the ethics of science. Among them, she was member of the National Committee for Deontology for Clinical Trials of the Greek Ministry of Health from 2010-2020, and member of the European Commission’s international Expert Group to advise on specific ethical issues raised by driverless mobility, which issued the «Independent Expert Report on the Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles, 2020» (https://europa.eu/!VV67my). She was also alternate member of the Sectorial Scientific Council of Arts and Humanities of the National Council for Research and Innovation (N.C.R.I.) of the Greek Ministry of Education during 2018- 2019, and founding Chair of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the University of Crete (2018- 2021).
She currently sits on the National Commission for Bioethics & Technoethics (2021- ). She heads the REC of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute; is vice-chair of REC of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE); member of the Scientific Committee of Greek Patients Association; member of the Committee on Bioethics and the Ethics of the Sciences, and the Committee on Human Rights, of Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie.
She has participated in the legislative committee which drafted the Legal Act for the establishment of Research Ethics Committees in Greek Academic Institutions and Research Centers (L.4521/2018).