Spiros Tegos, Assistant Professor
25 Ιουνίου, 2023 2023-06-25 9:36Spiros Tegos, Assistant Professor

Spiros Tegos
Assistant Professor
Office: 025
Office hours: Tuesday 13.30-14.30 and 17.30-18.30, Wednesday 13.30-14.30 and also upon request (spyridon.tegos@gmail.com)
Phone: 28310 77203
Email: spyridon.tegos@gmail.com
Printable CV (.pdf)
– 2007 Post-doc Visiting Fellow, Jan.-June 2006, Jan.-June 2007, Center for European studies, University of Harvard
– 2003 Post-doctoral certificate in Political Philosophy, (Scholarship – National scholarship foundation of Greece), Panteion of University of Athens
– 2001 Ph.D. in Political Philosophy, University of Paris X- Nanterre, 1996-2001: E. Balibar (advisor), “Le concept des sentiments sociaux (amitié, sympathie, pitié) dans la philosophie politique classique, 17e et 18e siècles” (The Concept of Social Sentiments (Friendship, Sympathy and Pity) in Early Modern Political Thought”, summa cum laude
– 1994 MA in Political Philosophy, University of Paris X, Nanterre, 1993-4.: “The concept of Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle.”
– 1993 BA in Philosophy, Psychology and Education, University Aristotle of Thessaloniki
– 2018 February, Visiting assistant professor, EHESS, Paris
– 2017 April Visiting assistant Professor, Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas (Institute Michel Villey)
– 2015- Assistant professor of Philosophy (tenured), Department of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete, Greece
– 2009-2015 Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Social Studies, University of Crete
– 2014, April Visiting Lecturer, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, Institut de l’histoire de la pensée classique
– 2006 Jan-May Lecturer (adjunct), New York University
– 2002-2004 Lecturer (adjunct), University of Patras
– 2001-2002 Lecturer (adjunct), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
The history of moral and political philosophy (Scottish and French enlightenment
Ritualistic Enlightenment. David Hume and J.-J. Rousseau on Religious and Secular Rituals, Athens: Armos, 2019
Civility-Politeness, Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, (eds) D. Jalobeanu & C.T. Wolfe, Springer, 2020
· Comments on Wade Robison’s ‘Hume the Moral Historian: Queen Elizabeth I’, in Proceedings of 37th Hume Society Conference, Antwerp, 2010.
· ‘Philosophy as an Art of Living and as an Institution’, in Proceedings of 34th Hume Society Conference, Boston, 2007.
1. “Ethos libéral, (in)civilité républicaine et manières démocratiques de Montesquieu à Tocqueville’, La raison au travail, ed. Delphine Antoine-Mahut, André Charrak, Pierre Girard, Marina
Mestre Zaragozá, Lyon, ENS Editions, 2023 forthcoming
2. “Pre-Weberian Charismatic leadership and Aesthetics of Deference in the Scottish Enlightenment”, The Sociological Heritage of the Scottish Enlightenment, ed. Tamas Demeter,
Routledge, 2023 forthcoming
3. “The Joke is not Funny anymore: Irony, Laughter and Ridicule in Adam Smith, Adam Smith and Modernity, ed. Alberto Burgio, Routledge, 2023
4. “The Stickiness of Middle Class Manners in David Hume, Adam Smith and John Millar”, The Scottish Enlightenment. Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy. Essays in
Honour of Christopher Berry (eds.) Craig Smith and Robin Mills, Edinburgh University Press, 2021
6. “Mary Wollstonecraft’s Appropriation of Adam Smith” The Wollstonecraftian Mind, (eds.) Sandrine Bergès, Eileen Hunt Botting and Alan Coffee, Routledge, 2019, 77-89
7. “Commercial Friendship Revisited: Adam Smith on Friendship” in Propriety and Prosperity. New Studies on the philosophy of Adam Smith (eds.) Leslie Marsch, Palgrave-Macmillan,
2014, 37-53
8. “Moral Sentiments, Cosmopolitanism and global justice: the contemporary relevance of Adam Smith’, in Political Theory, (eds.) A.I. Metaxas, University of Athens, 2014, 321-336
9. ’“Adam Smith Theorist of Corruption” in Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith, (eds.) Christopher Berry, M. Pia Paganneli, Craig Smith, Oxford University Press, 2013, 353-371
10. ’The status of Epicurean ideas in Adam Smith’, Academy of Athens, special issue on Greek philosophy, 2013, 132-145
11. ’Scottish Enlightenment: Economy and Philosophy (David Hume, Adam Smith)’, Philosophy
in Europe. Textbook of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, (eds.) B.X. Kaldis (Patras: Greek Open University Editions, 2008) 153-16
12.’Pitié et sympathie chez Rousseau et Hume : l’aporie de la normalisation des rapports sociaux’, in Les discours de la sympathie. Enquête sur une notion de l’âge classique à la
modernité, (eds.) Thierry Belleguic, Eric Van Schueren, Sabrina Vervacke, Paris : Hermann, 2014, 407-422
13.’Le concept d’artifice fiscal dans la pensée de D. Hume’, Philosophie de l’impôt , Bruxelles, (eds.) Thomas Berns, Mikhail Xifaras, Jean-Claude Dupont, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2006, 69-88
14. ’L’amitié politique chez Aristote : un tournant anthropologique ‘ in Analyses et réflexions sur Aristote Ethique à Nicomaque (livres VIII et IX), Paris, Ellipses, 2001, 63-70
15.’Kant on the Tradition of Moral Sentiments’, in Kant, 200 years after, Athens: Nisos, 2006, 79-89.
1. “Reclaiming the Southeastern European Enlightenment and beyond” History of European Ideas 48 (8), 2022, 1039-1044
2. “Manières du peuple et manières de classe moyenne d’Adam Smith à Tocqueville”, Dix-huitième siècle, (1) 53, 2021 \, 293-308
3. ”Civility and Civil Religion before and after the French revolution. Religious and Secular Rituals in Hume ad Tocqueville”, Genealogy, 4 (2) 2020
4. “Excluding Manners and Deference from the Post-Revolution Republic: Sophie de Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy on the Conditions of Non-Domination”, Australasian Philosophical
Review, (3) 4, 2019, 413-421 5. “Deference to Authority in Adam Smith”, Adam Smith Review, 12, 2020, 117-133
6. “Independent and Servile manners in Adam Smith”, Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 16/3 2018, 255-260
7. “Identification with Authority and the Transindividual in Rousseau: Critical Comments on Balibar’s Concept of the Transindividual”, Australasian Philosophical Review, vol. 2 issue 1 2018,
8. “Commercial Spirit and (In)hospitable manners”, Ενεκεν, 42 2017
9. “The “Spectator” and the Impartial Spectator in Adam Smith’s Pluralism”, COSMOS + TAXIS, 2.3 2015, 31-39
10. “Les icônes des mouvements d’émancipation et leur sceptique”, Raison publique, 2015 (version en ligne http://www.raison-publique.fr/article743.html)
11. ‘’Sympathie morale et tragédie sociale: Sophie de Grouchy lectrice d’Adam Smith” in Noesis, VRIN/ UNIVERSITÉ DE NICE, 2014, 265-292
12. “Addisonian and Courtly Origins of Politeness in Adam Smith in Revue Internationale de Philosophie,, 3/2014, 317-342
13. “The two Sources of Corruption of Moral Sentiments in Adam Smith”, special issue “Adam Smith in Athens”, Adam Smith Review, 7/2013 , 130-147
14. “The concepts of Property, Self and Possessive Individualism in Critical Perspective: the Anthropology of Thomas Hobbes”, in Αξιολογικά, 16, 2006, 149-159
15.’The Anthropological Conditions of Political Power: Sympathy and Pity in David Hume and J.- J. Rousseau’, Rivista della Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze , ν.6-7, 2005,
16. “Politics of human rights: politics of pity?” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal της New school of Social Research, 24, ν.1, 2004, 99-112